Saturday 23 January 2016

Serif and Sans-Serif

Two Categories of Fonts

  • Serif
  • Sans- Serif
           Image result for differences between serif and sans serif               Image result for differences between serif and sans serif



                              Differences between Serif and Sans-serif

Serif Sans-serif
         With Curly edges    
         Without Curly Edges       
Applicable at
  • Magazines
  • Newspaper
  • Books
  • Webpages
Easy for reader's eye
  • Times New Roman
  • Garamound
  • Century Schoolbook
  • Arial
  • Verdana
  • Tahoma

Friday 22 January 2016


  • Storage space in computer.
  • Used to process data and instructions required for processing are stored. 
  • Divided into large number of small parts called cells. 
  • Each location or cell has a unique address which varies from 0 to memory size minus one.

                 Types Of Memory

Primary Memory secondary Memory
Volatile in nature Non-volatile in nature
Used for Processing Used for Storage
Small memory Large memory
Examples are Static RAM,Dynamic RAM Examples are PROM,EPROM,EEPROM


  1.Random Access Memory (RAM)
Image result for ram images
  • Read/write memory.
  • Volatile -When power supply of computer is switched off or interrupted the stored information in the RAM is lost.

                                                     There are two types of RAM.

Static RAM Dynamic RAM
Retain Stored Information Yes Yes
Need to be refreshed No Yes
Speed High Moderate
Power Consumption More Less

2.Read Only Memory (ROM)

  • Read-only memory.
  • Its contents are not lost when power supply of computer is switched off.
  • Contents are written at manufacturing time.
  • Store permanent programs and information needed by the computer to execute user programs.
Image result for rom images


  • Users can write information in PROMs, EPROMs and E2PROMs                                              

Can be programmed Yes Yes Yes
Can be Erased/Modified No Yes Yes
Probability to be programmed Only one time Multiple Multiple
How can be erased Cannot be erased With UV Light With Electrical energy
Retain the old data No No Yes
Speed Fast Fast Slow

         Image result for programmable ROM images    Image result for erasable programmable read only memory


Floppy Disk
  • Soft magnetic disk often called floppies or diskettes.
  • Portable.
  • Slower to access.
  • Less storage capacity.

 Image result for floppy disk     Image result for floppy disk

Magnetic Disk or Hard Disk

  • Higher storage capacity.
  • Coated with magnetic oxide.
  • Information stored with the help of magnetization.
  • Read/write head is used to read or write the data on disk.
  • Disk is divided into tracks,sectors and clusters.
  • Address of a disk is required to read or write data.
  • Address is specified in terms of surface number,track number and sector number.
  • Once the address is found the header transfers the data to primary memory.   Image result for magnetic disk or hard disk                 Image result for magnetic disk or hard disk

Magnetic Tape

  • It consists of electrical,mechanical and electronic components.
  • Bits are recorded as magnetic spots on the tape.
  • Read/write heads are mounted one in each track to record and read sequence of characters.
  • Information is recorded in blocks called records.
  • Each record has identification bit pattern.
  • Addressed by specifying record number and number of charectors.

  Image result for magnetic tape   Image result for magnetic tape

Optical Disk(CD-ROM)
  • Compact disk-Read Only memory.
  • Coated with highly reflective metal.
  • Data recording is accomplished by turning the laser beam on.
  • Tiny holes called PITS are burnt into metal coating on disk to represent 1 or 0.
  • Storage density is enormous.
  • Fast access and Low cost.
  • High storage capacity than magnetic tapes.

                       Image result for optical disk          Image result for optical disk
Magnetic Drum

  • Direct access storage device for sequential and random processing.
  • Contains cylinder coated with magnetic material.
  • Cylinder surface is divided into tracks on which data is stored in the form of magnetic spots.
  • Data is read through read/write heads.
  • Whenever new data is recorded old data gets erased. 

    Image result for magnetic drum                                         Image result for magnetic drum

Flash Memory
  • Non-Volatile.
  • Can be erased and reprogrammed very fast.
  • Its a variation of EEPROM which takes much time to update.
  • Often used to hold controls code i.e., input/output system code in a computer.

                        Image result for flash memory stick images

Types of RAMStatic Random Access Memory              Dynamic Random Access(SRAM)                                   Memory ...Read only memory (ROM)• Has contents which are fixed when  the chip is manufactured• Holds the bootstrap loader part of  t...Types of ROMProgrammable ROM (PROM)-Empty of data when the chip ismanufactured, can beprogrammed by the user. Onceprogramm...Cache memory• Faster and expensive than RAM• It improves the computer’s  performance• Processor can use it to store  frequ...Storage• Storage – any devices that are capable  of holding information, even when the  power is off (non-volatile).• Ex: ...Types of storage device • Optical storage devices • Magnetic storage devices • Flash memory devices